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Dustbins distribution

Event : Dustbins distribution 

Date : 02/03/2019

Place : 3F Swabhimaan home, Racharla  

Organised by : 3F Swabhimaan foundation

Introduction :

In the Prattipadu village total 1200 families are habituated and under swacha bharat scheme 3F swabhimaan foundation has taken up the up program to distribute dustbins to all 1200 families each family gets 2 bins for both wet dust and dry dust and which will be collected by sanitary people and send to dump yard. It also conducted awareness on segregation of dry and wet dust to all the people.

The objective of the program :

  • To create awareness among the people on environmental protection
  • To identify the wet and dry dust separately.
  • To make clean of their environment and their neighborhood.  
  • To distribute to all families each family 2 dust bins (for dry and wet dust) and make use of the same.



  • All family members got happy as they have increased their awareness levels on environment protection. 
  • Children also felt happy to dispose the their waste paper and other waste materials in the respective bins. 
  • All the beneficiaries ensured to make utilize the bins in proper way. 


Conclusion :

Panchayat members and People representatives also felt their happiness for extending the support to their village and ensured to retain the usage of the bins in proper way and continuously. 


Srinivas Dhupam

Manager- CSR

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